CKEditor toolbar can be adjusted to your needs. You can define a toolbar that contains
all the buttons available in the Full toolbar definition using the
following code:
CKEditor1.config.toolbar = new object[]
new object[] { "Source", "-", "Save", "NewPage", "Preview", "-", "Templates" },
new object[] { "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "-", "Print", "SpellChecker", "Scayt" },
new object[] { "Undo", "Redo", "-", "Find", "Replace", "-", "SelectAll", "RemoveFormat" },
new object[] { "Form", "Checkbox", "Radio", "TextField", "Textarea", "Select", "Button", "ImageButton", "HiddenField" },
new object[] { "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strike", "-", "Subscript", "Superscript" },
new object[] { "NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Outdent", "Indent", "Blockquote", "CreateDiv" },
new object[] { "JustifyLeft", "JustifyCenter", "JustifyRight", "JustifyBlock" },
new object[] { "BidiLtr", "BidiRtl" },
new object[] { "Link", "Unlink", "Anchor" },
new object[] { "Image", "Flash", "Table", "HorizontalRule", "Smiley", "SpecialChar", "PageBreak", "Iframe" },
new object[] { "Styles", "Format", "Font", "FontSize" },
new object[] { "TextColor", "BGColor" },
new object[] { "Maximize", "ShowBlocks", "-", "About" }
If you want to strip CKEditor toolbar to a bare minimum that suits your needs,
limit your definition to what is needed only.
CKEditor2.config.toolbar = new object[]
new object[] { "Bold", "Italic", "-", "NumberedList", "BulletedList", "-", "Link", "Unlink", "-", "About" },
new object[] { "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "PasteText", "PasteFromWord", "-", "Print", "SpellChecker", "Scayt" },