/* * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net * Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * * == BEGIN LICENSE == * * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your * choice: * * - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL") * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * * - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL") * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html * * == END LICENSE == * * This is the FCKeditor Asp.Net control. */ using System ; using System.Web.UI ; using System.Web.UI.WebControls ; using System.ComponentModel ; using System.Text.RegularExpressions ; using System.Globalization ; using System.Security.Permissions ; namespace FredCK.FCKeditorV2 { public enum LanguageDirection { LeftToRight, RightToLeft } [ DefaultProperty("Value") ] [ ValidationProperty("Value") ] [ ToolboxData("<{0}:FCKeditor runat=server>") ] [ Designer("FredCK.FCKeditorV2.FCKeditorDesigner") ] [ ParseChildren(false) ] public class FCKeditor : System.Web.UI.Control, IPostBackDataHandler { private bool _IsCompatible ; public FCKeditor() {} #region Base Configurations Properties [ Browsable( false ) ] public FCKeditorConfigurations Config { get { if ( ViewState["Config"] == null ) ViewState["Config"] = new FCKeditorConfigurations() ; return (FCKeditorConfigurations)ViewState["Config"] ; } } [ DefaultValue( "" ) ] public string Value { get { object o = ViewState["Value"] ; return ( o == null ? "" : (string)o ) ; } set { ViewState["Value"] = value ; } } /// ///

/// Sets or gets the virtual path to the editor's directory. It is /// relative to the current page. ///


/// The default value is "/fckeditor/". ///


/// The base path can be also set in the Web.config file using the /// appSettings section. Just set the "FCKeditor:BasePath" for that. /// For example: /// /// <configuration> /// <appSettings> /// <add key="FCKeditor:BasePath" value="/scripts/fckeditor/" /> /// </appSettings> /// </configuration> /// ///

[ DefaultValue( "/fckeditor/" ) ] public string BasePath { get { object o = ViewState["BasePath"] ; if ( o == null ) o = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["FCKeditor:BasePath"] ; return ( o == null ? "/fckeditor/" : (string)o ) ; } set { ViewState["BasePath"] = value ; } } [ DefaultValue( "Default" ) ] public string ToolbarSet { get { object o = ViewState["ToolbarSet"] ; return ( o == null ? "Default" : (string)o ) ; } set { ViewState["ToolbarSet"] = value ; } } #endregion #region Appearence Properties [ Category( "Appearence" ) ] [ DefaultValue( "100%" ) ] public Unit Width { get { object o = ViewState["Width"] ; return ( o == null ? Unit.Percentage(100) : (Unit)o ) ; } set { ViewState["Width"] = value ; } } [ Category("Appearence") ] [ DefaultValue( "200px" ) ] public Unit Height { get { object o = ViewState["Height"] ; return ( o == null ? Unit.Pixel( 200 ) : (Unit)o ) ; } set { ViewState["Height"] = value ; } } #endregion #region Configurations Properties [ Category("Configurations") ] public string CustomConfigurationsPath { set { this.Config["CustomConfigurationsPath"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string EditorAreaCSS { set { this.Config["EditorAreaCSS"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string BaseHref { set { this.Config["BaseHref"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string SkinPath { set { this.Config["SkinPath"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string PluginsPath { set { this.Config["PluginsPath"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool FullPage { set { this.Config["FullPage"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool Debug { set { this.Config["Debug"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool AutoDetectLanguage { set { this.Config["AutoDetectLanguage"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string DefaultLanguage { set { this.Config["DefaultLanguage"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public LanguageDirection ContentLangDirection { set { this.Config["ContentLangDirection"] = ( value == LanguageDirection.LeftToRight ? "ltr" : "rtl" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool EnableXHTML { set { this.Config["EnableXHTML"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool EnableSourceXHTML { set { this.Config["EnableSourceXHTML"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool FillEmptyBlocks { set { this.Config["FillEmptyBlocks"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool FormatSource { set { this.Config["FormatSource"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool FormatOutput { set { this.Config["FormatOutput"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string FormatIndentator { set { this.Config["FormatIndentator"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool GeckoUseSPAN { set { this.Config["GeckoUseSPAN"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool StartupFocus { set { this.Config["StartupFocus"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool ForcePasteAsPlainText { set { this.Config["ForcePasteAsPlainText"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool ForceSimpleAmpersand { set { this.Config["ForceSimpleAmpersand"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public int TabSpaces { set { this.Config["TabSpaces"] = value.ToString( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool UseBROnCarriageReturn { set { this.Config["UseBROnCarriageReturn"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool ToolbarStartExpanded { set { this.Config["ToolbarStartExpanded"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public bool ToolbarCanCollapse { set { this.Config["ToolbarCanCollapse"] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ) ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string FontColors { set { this.Config["FontColors"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string FontNames { set { this.Config["FontNames"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string FontSizes { set { this.Config["FontSizes"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string FontFormats { set { this.Config["FontFormats"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string StylesXmlPath { set { this.Config["StylesXmlPath"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string LinkBrowserURL { set { this.Config["LinkBrowserURL"] = value ; } } [ Category("Configurations") ] public string ImageBrowserURL { set { this.Config["ImageBrowserURL"] = value ; } } [Category( "Configurations" )] public bool HtmlEncodeOutput { set { this.Config[ "HtmlEncodeOutput" ] = ( value ? "true" : "false" ); } } #endregion #region Rendering public string CreateHtml() { System.IO.StringWriter strWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter() ; System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter( strWriter ); this.Render( writer ); return strWriter.ToString(); } protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { writer.Write( "
" ) ; if ( _IsCompatible ) { string sLink = this.BasePath ; if ( sLink.StartsWith( "~" ) ) sLink = this.ResolveUrl( sLink ) ; string sFile = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["fcksource"] == "true" ? "fckeditor.original.html" : "fckeditor.html" ; sLink += "editor/" + sFile + "?InstanceName=" + this.ClientID ; if ( this.ToolbarSet.Length > 0 ) sLink += "&Toolbar=" + this.ToolbarSet ; // Render the linked hidden field. writer.Write( "", this.ClientID, this.UniqueID, System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( this.Value ) ) ; // Render the configurations hidden field. writer.Write( "", this.ClientID, this.Config.GetHiddenFieldString() ) ; // Render the editor IFRAME. writer.Write( "", this.ClientID, sLink, this.Width, this.Height ) ; } else { writer.Write( "", this.UniqueID, this.Width, this.Height, System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( this.Value ) ) ; } writer.Write( "
" ) ; } protected override void OnPreRender( EventArgs e ) { base.OnPreRender( e ); _IsCompatible = this.CheckBrowserCompatibility(); if ( !_IsCompatible ) return; object oScriptManager = null; // Search for the ScriptManager control in the page. Control oParent = this.Parent; while ( oParent != null ) { foreach ( object control in oParent.Controls ) { // Match by type name. if ( control.GetType().FullName == "System.Web.UI.ScriptManager" ) { oScriptManager = control; break; } } if ( oScriptManager != null ) break; oParent = oParent.Parent; } // If the ScriptManager control is available. if ( oScriptManager != null ) { try { // Use reflection to check the SupportsPartialRendering // property value. bool bSupportsPartialRendering = ((bool)(oScriptManager.GetType().GetProperty( "SupportsPartialRendering" ).GetValue( oScriptManager, null ))); if ( bSupportsPartialRendering ) { string sScript = "(function()\n{\n" + "\tvar editor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('" + this.ClientID + "');\n" + "\tif (editor)\n" + "\t\teditor.UpdateLinkedField();\n" + "})();\n"; // Call the RegisterOnSubmitStatement method through // reflection. oScriptManager.GetType().GetMethod( "RegisterOnSubmitStatement", new Type[] { typeof( Control ), typeof( Type ), typeof( String ), typeof( String ) } ).Invoke( oScriptManager, new object[] { this, this.GetType(), "FCKeditorAjaxOnSubmit_" + this.ClientID, sScript } ); // Tell the editor that we are handling the submit. this.Config[ "PreventSubmitHandler" ] = "true"; } } catch { } } } #endregion #region Compatibility Check public bool CheckBrowserCompatibility() { return IsCompatibleBrowser(); } /// /// Checks if the current HTTP request comes from a browser compatible /// with FCKeditor. /// /// "true" if the browser is compatible. public static bool IsCompatibleBrowser() { return IsCompatibleBrowser( System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request ); } /// /// Checks if the provided HttpRequest object comes from a browser /// compatible with FCKeditor. /// /// "true" if the browser is compatible. public static bool IsCompatibleBrowser( System.Web.HttpRequest request ) { System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities oBrowser = request.Browser; // Internet Explorer 5.5+ for Windows if ( oBrowser.Browser == "IE" && ( oBrowser.MajorVersion >= 6 || ( oBrowser.MajorVersion == 5 && oBrowser.MinorVersion >= 0.5 ) ) && oBrowser.Win32 ) return true; string sUserAgent = request.UserAgent; if ( sUserAgent.IndexOf( "Gecko/" ) >= 0 ) { Match oMatch = Regex.Match( request.UserAgent, @"(?<=Gecko/)\d{8}" ); if ( oMatch.Success ) { return ( int.Parse( oMatch.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) >= 20030210 ); } // Introduced in Firefox 17.0 oMatch = Regex.Match( request.UserAgent, @"(?<=Gecko/)\d+\.\d+" ); return oMatch.Success; } if ( sUserAgent.IndexOf( "Opera/" ) >= 0 ) { Match oMatch = Regex.Match( request.UserAgent, @"(?<=Opera/)[\d\.]+" ); return ( oMatch.Success && float.Parse( oMatch.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) >= 9.5 ); } if ( sUserAgent.IndexOf( "AppleWebKit/" ) >= 0 ) { Match oMatch = Regex.Match( request.UserAgent, @"(?<=AppleWebKit/)\d+" ); return ( oMatch.Success && int.Parse( oMatch.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) >= 522 ); } return false; } #endregion #region Postback Handling public bool LoadPostData(string postDataKey, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection postCollection) { string postedValue = postCollection[postDataKey] ; // Revert the HtmlEncodeOutput changes. if ( this.Config["HtmlEncodeOutput"] != "false" ) { postedValue = postedValue.Replace( "<", "<" ) ; postedValue = postedValue.Replace( ">", ">" ) ; postedValue = postedValue.Replace( "&", "&" ) ; } if ( postedValue != this.Value ) { this.Value = postedValue ; return true ; } return false ; } public void RaisePostDataChangedEvent() { // Do nothing } #endregion } }