<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/FCKeditor.tld" prefix="FCK" %> <%@ page language="java" import="com.fredck.FCKeditor.*" %> FCKeditor - JSP Test Page
Normal Text Field

Normal Textarea

FCKeditor - Default Toolbar Set
<% FCKeditor oFCKeditor; oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor(request,"EditorDefault") ; oFCKeditor.setBasePath("/FCKeditor/"); // '/FCKeditor/' is the default value so this line could be deleted. oFCKeditor.setValue("This is some sample text."); oFCKeditor.getConfig().put("StyleNames",";Style 1;Style 2; Style 3"); oFCKeditor.getConfig().put("ToolbarFontNames",";Arial;Courier New;Times New Roman;Verdana"); out.println(oFCKeditor.create()); %>
FCKeditor - Accessibility Toolbar Set
<% oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor(request,"EditorAccessibility") ; oFCKeditor.setWidth("80%"); oFCKeditor.setHeight("120"); oFCKeditor.setToolbarSet("Accessibility"); oFCKeditor.setValue("This is another test.
The "Second" row."); oFCKeditor.setCanUpload(false); // Overrides fck_config.js default configuration oFCKeditor.setCanBrowse(false); // Overrides fck_config.js default configuration out.println(oFCKeditor.create()); %>

FCKeditor - Basic Toolbar Set
<% oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor(request,"EditorBasic", "300", "80", "Basic", "

Another test.

") ; out.println(oFCKeditor.create()); %>