Normal Text Field

Normal Textarea

FCKeditor - Default Toolbar Set
<% FCKeditorBasePath = "/FCKeditor/" ' "/FCKeditor/" is the default value so this line could be deleted. CreateFCKeditor "EditorDefault", "100%", 150, "", "This is same sample text." %>
FCKeditor - Accessibility Toolbar Set
<% FCKCanUpload = False FCKCanBrowse = False CreateFCKeditor "EditorAccessibility", "80%", 120, "Accessibility", "This is another test.
The "Second" row." %>

FCKeditor - Basic Toolbar Set
<% FCKCanUpload = Null FCKCanBrowse = Null CreateFCKeditor "EditorBasic", 300, 80, "Basic", "

Another test.

" %>