FCKeditor - Sample

FCKeditor - ColdFusion Component (CFC) - Sample 3

This sample shows how to change the editor toolbar.

This sample works only with a ColdFusion MX server and higher, because it uses some advantages of this version.
Select the toolbar to load: 

// Calculate basepath for FCKeditor. It's in the folder right above _samples basePath = Left( cgi.script_name, FindNoCase( '_samples', cgi.script_name ) - 1 ) ; fckEditor = createObject( "component", "#basePath#fckeditor" ) ; fckEditor.instanceName = "myEditor" ; fckEditor.value = '

This is some sample text. You are using FCKeditor.

' ; fckEditor.basePath = basePath ; if ( isDefined( "URL.Toolbar" ) ) { fckEditor.ToolbarSet = REReplaceNoCase( URL.Toolbar, "[^a-z]", "", "all" ) ; } fckEditor.create() ; // create the editor.