=== TC 1 === 1. Click on the bold text 'sample text'; * Expected Result for IE and Firefox: The whole word is selected as a control type. * Expected Result for IE and Firefox: The element should be able to be dragged and dropped. * Expected Result for Safari: The cursor is not blinking within the selected element. === TC 2 === 1. Click on the bold text 'sample text'; 1. Press 'Del' key on the selected element; * Expected Result for Firefox and IE: The element is deleted as a whole. 1. Press 'Backspace' when cursor is at the right/left edge of the element; * Expected Result for Safari and IE : The element is deleted as a whole. === TC 3 === 1. Click outside the editor chrome; 1. Press 'Tab' until the editor is focused; * Expected Result : The cursor is blinking at the beginning of the paragraph.