#!/usr/bin/php -q 5 ) ExitError( 'Invalid arguments. Operation aborted.' ) ; if ( count( $argv ) < 4 ) ExitError( 'Please specify the source and the target directories and the version number.' ) ; $sourceDir = $argv[1] ; $targetDir = $argv[2] ; $version = $argv[3] ; // Get the package definition file. $xmlFileName = 'fckreleaser.xml' ; if ( isset( $argv[4] ) ) $xmlFileName = $argv[4] ; echo '### Release started', "\n\n" ; // ### Copy the files. $releaser = new FCKReleaser( $sourceDir, $targetDir, $xmlFileName ) ; $releaser->Run() ; // ### Set version and build information. FCKVersionMarker::Mark( $targetDir, $version ) ; echo "\n", '### Compress source', "\n\n" ; // ### Run the packager in the target directory. // Save the current directory. $curDir = getcwd() ; // Move to the target ; chdir( $targetDir ) ; // Run the packager. $packager = new FCKPackager() ; $packager->LoadDefinitionFile( 'fckpackager.xml' ) ; $packager->Run() ; // Move back to the startup dir. chdir( $curDir ) ; echo "\n\n", '### Release finished (version "', $version, '")', "\n" ; ?> SourcesDir = $sourceDir ; $this->TargetDir = $targetDir ; $xmlDefinition = new FCKXmlDocument() ; if ( !$xmlDefinition->LoadFile( $xmlDefinitionFile ) ) ExitError( 'Could not load XML definition file "' . $xmlDefinitionFile . '"' ) ; // Get the root "Release" element. $releaseNode =& $xmlDefinition->Children[ 'RELEASE' ][0] ; // Builds the Directories Ignore List. $this->IgnoreDirs = array() ; if ( isset( $releaseNode->Children[ 'IGNOREDIR' ] ) ) { $ignoreNodes = $releaseNode->Children[ 'IGNOREDIR' ] ; foreach ( $ignoreNodes as $ignoreNode ) { $this->IgnoreDirs[] = FixDirSlash( $sourceDir . $ignoreNode->Attributes[ 'PATH' ] ) ; } } // Builds the Files Ignore List. $this->IgnoreFiles = array() ; if ( isset( $releaseNode->Children[ 'IGNOREFILE' ] ) ) { $ignoreNodes = $releaseNode->Children[ 'IGNOREFILE' ] ; foreach ( $ignoreNodes as $ignoreNode ) { $this->IgnoreFiles[] = $sourceDir . $ignoreNode->Attributes[ 'PATH' ] ; } } // Builds the Files Ignore List. $this->OriginalFiles = array() ; if ( isset( $releaseNode->Children[ 'ORIGINALFILE' ] ) ) { $originalNodes = $releaseNode->Children[ 'ORIGINALFILE' ] ; foreach ( $originalNodes as $originalNode ) { $this->OriginalFiles[] = (object)array( 'Source' => $originalNode->Attributes[ 'SOURCEPATH' ], 'Target' => $originalNode->Attributes[ 'TARGETPATH' ] ) ; } } } function Run() { // For debug purposes: //SaveStringToFile( print_r( $this, true ), 'rel.txt' ) ; //exit ; // Deletes the target directory if it already exists. if ( is_dir( $this->TargetDir ) ) { echo '!!! Deleting destination folder. It already exists.', "\n\n" ; RemoveDir( $this->TargetDir ) ; } // Copy the entire source directory $this->_CopyDirectory( $this->SourcesDir, $this->TargetDir ) ; foreach ( $this->OriginalFiles as $originalFile ) { $this->_CopyOriginalFile( $originalFile->Source, $originalFile->Target ) ; } } function _CopyDirectory( $sourceDir, $targetDir ) { $sourceDir = FixDirSlash( $sourceDir ) ; $targetDir = FixDirSlash( $targetDir ) ; // Ignore hidden directories. // if ( ( sourceDir.Attributes & System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden ) != 0 ) // return; // Check the ignore list. if ( in_array( $sourceDir, $this->IgnoreDirs ) ) return ; echo 'Copying folder ', $sourceDir, "\n" ; //echo 'Copying folder ', $sourceDir, ' to ', $targetDir, "\n" ; if ( !is_dir( $targetDir ) ) CreateDir( $targetDir ) ; // Copy files and directories. $sourceDirHandler = opendir( $sourceDir ) ; while ( $file = readdir( $sourceDirHandler ) ) { // Skip ".", ".." and hidden fields (Unix). if ( substr( $file, 0, 1 ) == '.' ) continue ; $sourcefilePath = $sourceDir . $file ; $targetFilePath = $targetDir . $file ; if ( is_dir( $sourcefilePath ) ) { $this->_CopyDirectory( $sourcefilePath, $targetFilePath ) ; continue ; } if ( !is_file( $sourcefilePath ) ) continue ; // Ignore hidden files. // if ( ( oFile.Attributes & System.IO.FileAttributes.Hidden ) != 0 ) // continue; if ( in_array( $sourcefilePath, $this->IgnoreFiles ) ) continue ; // echo ' Copying file ', $file, ' to ', $targetFilePath, "\n" ; if ( in_array( GetFileExtension( $file ), $this->_PreProcessExtensions ) ) FCKPreProcessor::ProcessFile( $sourcefilePath, $targetFilePath ) ; else copy( $sourcefilePath, $targetFilePath ) ; } closedir( $sourceDirHandler ) ; } function _CopyOriginalFile( $sourceFile, $destinationFile ) { $sourceFile = $this->SourcesDir . $sourceFile ; $destinationFile = $this->TargetDir . $destinationFile ; $destDir = dirname( $destinationFile ) ; if ( !is_dir( $destDir ) ) CreateDir( $destDir ) ; echo 'Copying original file ', $sourceFile, "\n" ; copy( $sourceFile, $destinationFile ) ; } } ?> Attributes[ $attName ] ) ) return $defValue ; return $element->Attributes[ $attName ] ; } function CreateDir($path, $rights = 0777) { $dirParts = explode( '/', $path ) ; $currentDir = '' ; foreach ( $dirParts as $dirPart ) { $currentDir .= $dirPart . '/' ; if ( strlen( $dirPart ) > 0 && !is_dir( $currentDir ) ) mkdir( $currentDir, $rights ) ; } } function SaveStringToFile( $strData, $filePath, $includeUtf8Bom = FALSE ) { $f = fopen( $filePath, 'wb' ) ; if ( !$f ) return FALSE ; if ( $includeUtf8Bom ) fwrite( $f, "\xEF\xBB\xBF" ) ; // BOM fwrite( $f, StripUtf8Bom( $strData ) ) ; fclose( $f ) ; return TRUE ; } function StripUtf8Bom( $data ) { if ( substr( $data, 0, 3 ) == "\xEF\xBB\xBF" ) return substr_replace( $data, '', 0, 3 ) ; return $data ; } function GetMicrotime() { $timeParts = explode( ' ', microtime() ) ; return $timeParts[0] + $timeParts[1] ; } ?> RemoveDeclaration = TRUE ; $this->HasConstants = FALSE ; $this->_Constants = array() ; $this->_ContantsRegexPart = '' ; } function AddConstant( $name, $value ) { if ( strlen( $this->_ContantsRegexPart ) > 0 ) $this->_ContantsRegexPart .= '|' ; $this->_ContantsRegexPart .= $name ; $this->_Constants[ $name ] = $value ; $this->HasConstants = TRUE ; } function Process( $script ) { if ( !$this->HasConstants ) return $script; $output = $script ; if ( $this->RemoveDeclaration ) { // /var\s+(?:BASIC_COLOR_RED|BASIC_COLOR_BLUE)\s*=.+?;/ $output = preg_replace( '/var\\s+(?:' . $this->_ContantsRegexPart . ')\\s*=.+?;/m', '', $output ) ; } $output = preg_replace_callback( '/(?_ContantsRegexPart . ')(?!\\w)/', array( &$this, '_Contant_Replace_Evaluator' ), $output ) ; return $output ; } function _Contant_Replace_Evaluator( $match ) { $constantName = $match[0] ; if ( isset( $this->_Constants[ $constantName ] ) ) return $this->_Constants[ $constantName ] ; else return $constantName ; } } ?> _Function = $function ; $this->_Parameters = $isGlobal ? NULL : $parameters ; $this->_VarPrefix = $isGlobal ? '_' : '' ; $this->_IsGlobal = $isGlobal ; $this->_LastCharIndex = 0; $this->_NextPrefixIndex = 0; $this->_VarCharsLastIndex = count( $this->_VarChars ) - 1 ; } function Process() { $processed = $this->_Function ; if ( !$this->_IsGlobal ) $processed = $this->_ProcessVars( $processed, $this->_Parameters ) ; $numVarMatches = preg_match_all( '/\bvar\b\s+([\w_][\w\d_]+)/', $processed, $varsMatches ) ; if ( $numVarMatches > 0 ) { $vars = array() ; for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numVarMatches ; $i++ ) { $vars[] = $varsMatches[1][$i] ; } $processed = $this->_ProcessVars( $processed, $vars ) ; } return $processed ; } function _ProcessVars( $source, $vars ) { foreach ( $vars as $var ) { if ( strlen( $var) > 1 ) $source = preg_replace( '/(?_GetVarName(), $source ) ; } return $source ; } function _GetVarName() { if ( $this->_LastCharIndex == $this->_VarCharsLastIndex ) { $this->_RenewPrefix() ; $this->_LastCharIndex = 0 ; } $var = $this->_VarPrefix . $this->_VarChars[ $this->_LastCharIndex++ ] ; if ( preg_match( '/(?_Function ) ) return $this->_GetVarName() ; else return $var ; } function _RenewPrefix() { if ( strlen( $this->_VarPrefix) > 0 && $this->_VarPrefix != "_" ) { if ( $this->_NextPrefixIndex > $this->_VarCharsLastIndex ) $this->_NextPrefixIndex = 0 ; else $this->_VarPrefix = substr_replace( $this->_VarPrefix, '', strlen( $this->_VarPrefix ) - 1, 1 ) ; } $this->_VarPrefix .= $this->_VarChars[ $this->_NextPrefixIndex ] ; $this->_NextPrefixIndex++; } } ?> ProtectStrings( $script ) ; // Remove "//" comments $script = preg_replace( '/\/\/.*$/m', '', $script ) ; // Remove "/* */" comments $script = preg_replace( '/(?m-s:^\s*\/\*).*?\*\//s', '', $script ) ; // Remove spaces before the ";" at the end of the lines $script = preg_replace( '/\s*(?=;\s*$)/m', '', $script ) ; // Remove spaces next to "=" $script = preg_replace( '/^([^"\'\r\n]*?)\s*=\s*/m', '$1=', $script ) ; // Remove spaces on "()": "( content )" = "(content)" $script = preg_replace( '/^([^\r\n""\']*?\()\s+(.*?)\s+(?=\)[^\)]*$)/m', '$1$2', $script ) ; // Concatenate lines that doesn't end with [;{}] using a space $script = preg_replace( '/(?HasConstants ) $script = $constantsProcessor->Process( $script ); // Replace "new Object()". $script = preg_replace( '/new Object\(\)/', '{}', $script ) ; // Replace "new Array()". $script = preg_replace( '/new Array\(\)/', '[]', $script ) ; // Process function contents, renaming parameters and variables. $script = FCKJavaScriptCompressor::_ProcessFunctions( $script ) ; // Join consecutive string concatened with a "+". $script = $stringsProc->ConcatProtectedStrings( $script ); // Restore the protected script strings. $script = $stringsProc->RestoreStrings( $script ); return $script ; } function _RemoveInnerSpaces( $script ) { return preg_replace_callback( '/(?:\s*[=?:+\-*\/&,;><|!]\s*)|(?:[(\[]\s+)|(?:\s+[)\]])/', array( 'FCKJavaScriptCompressor', '_RemoveInnerSpacesMatch' ), $script ) ; } function _RemoveInnerSpacesMatch( $match ) { return trim( $match[0] ) ; } function _ProcessFunctions( $script ) { return preg_replace_callback( '/function(?:\s+\w+)?\s*\(\s*([^\)]*?)\s*\)\s*({(?:(?>[^{}]*)|(?2))*})+/', array( 'FCKJavaScriptCompressor', '_ProcessFunctionMatch' ), $script ) ; } function _ProcessFunctionMatch( $match ) { // Creates an array with the parameters names ($match[1]). if ( strlen( trim( $match[1] ) ) == 0 ) $parameters = array() ; else $parameters = preg_split( '/\s*,\s*/', trim( $match[1] ) ) ; $funcProcessor = new FCKFunctionProcessor( $match[0], $parameters, false ) ; return $funcProcessor->Process() ; } } ?> CompactJavaScript = TRUE ; $this->RenameGlobals = FALSE ; $this->Header = '' ; $this->_OutputPath = $outputPath ; $this->_Files = array() ; } function AddFile( $sourceFilePath ) { $this->_Files[] = $sourceFilePath ; } function CreateFile() { echo 'Packaging file ' . basename( $this->_OutputPath ) . "\n" ; // Extract the directory from the output file path. $destDir = dirname( $this->_OutputPath ); // Create the directory if it doesn't exist. if ( !@is_dir( $destDir ) ) CreateDir( $destDir ) ; // Create the StringBuilder that will hold the output data. $outputData = '' ; $uncompressedSize = 0 ; // Loop through the files. foreach ( $this->_Files as $file ) { // Read the file. $data = file_get_contents( $file ) ; // Strip the UTF-8 BOM, if available. $data = StripUtf8Bom( $data ) ; $dataSize = strlen( $data ) ; $uncompressedSize += $dataSize ; echo ' Adding ' . basename( $file ) . "\n" ; // Compress (if needed) and process its contents. if ( $this->CompactJavaScript ) $outputData .= FCKJavaScriptCompressor::Compress( FCKPreProcessor::Process( $data ), $this->ConstantsProcessor ) ; else $outputData .= FCKPreProcessor::Process( $data ) ; // Each file terminates with a CRLF, even if compressed. $outputData .= "\n" ; } // Replace global vars. if ( $this->RenameGlobals ) { $funcProcessor = new FCKFunctionProcessor( $outputData, NULL, true ) ; $outputData = $funcProcessor->Process() ; } // Write the output file. if ( strlen( $this->Header ) > 0 ) $outputData = $this->Header . "\r\n" . $outputData ; if ( !SaveStringToFile( $outputData, $this->_OutputPath, TRUE ) ) ExitError( 'It was not possible to save the file "' . $this->_OutputPath . '".' ) ; echo( "\n" ); echo( ' Number of files processed: ' . count( $this->_Files ) . "\n" ) ; echo( ' Original size............: ' . number_format( $uncompressedSize ) . ' bytes' . "\n" ) ; echo( ' Output file size.........: ' . number_format( strlen( $outputData ) ) . ' bytes (' . round( strlen( $outputData ) / $uncompressedSize * 100, 2 ) . '% of original)' . "\n" ) ; echo( "\n" ); } } ?> PackageFiles = array() ; $this->RemoveDeclaration = true ; $this->_ConstantProcessor = new FCKConstantProcessor() ; $this->_TotalFiles = 0 ; } function LoadDefinitionFile( $packageDefinitionXmlPath ) { $XML = new FCKXmlDocument() ; if ( !$XML->LoadFile( $packageDefinitionXmlPath ) ) ExitError( 'Could not load XML definition file "' . $packageDefinitionXmlPath . '"' ) ; $this->LoadDefinitionFileXmlDocument( $XML ) ; } function LoadDefinitionXml( $packageDefinitionXml ) { $XML = new FCKXmlDocument() ; if ( !$XML->LoadXml( $packageDefinitionXml ) ) ExitError( 'Could not load XML data' ) ; $this->RunXmlDocument( $XML ) ; } function LoadDefinitionFileXmlDocument( $packageDefinitionXmlDocument ) { // Get the root "Package" element. $packageNode = &$packageDefinitionXmlDocument->Children[ 'PACKAGE' ][0] ; // Get the Header text. if ( isset( $packageNode->Children[ 'HEADER' ] ) ) $header = $packageNode->Children[ 'HEADER' ][0]->Value ; else $header = 0 ; // Get the constants (if defined). $constantsNode = &$packageNode->Children[ 'CONSTANTS' ][0] ; if ( isset( $constantsNode ) ) { $this->_ConstantProcessor->RemoveDeclaration = ( GetXmlAttribute( $constantsNode, 'REMOVEDECLARATION', 'true' ) == 'true' ) ; $constantNodes = &$constantsNode->Children[ 'CONSTANT' ] ; // Add the constants to the constants processor. foreach ( $constantNodes as $constantNode ) { $this->_ConstantProcessor->AddConstant( $constantNode->Attributes[ 'NAME' ], $constantNode->Attributes[ 'VALUE' ] ) ; } } // Get the Package Files definitions. $packageFileNodes = $packageNode->Children[ 'PACKAGEFILE' ] ; if ( isset( $packageFileNodes ) ) { $this->_TotalFiles += count( $packageFileNodes ) ; // Loop through the package files. foreach ( $packageFileNodes as $packageFileNode ) { // Create the package file instance. $file = new FCKPackageFile( $packageFileNode->Attributes[ 'PATH' ] ) ; $file->CompactJavaScript = ( GetXmlAttribute( $packageFileNode, 'COMPACTJAVASCRIPT', 'true' ) == 'true' ) ; $file->RenameGlobals = ( GetXmlAttribute( $packageFileNode, 'RENAMEGLOBALS', 'false' ) == 'true' ) ; $file->Header = $header ; $file->ConstantsProcessor = &$this->_ConstantProcessor ; // Get all files defined for that package file. $fileNodes = $packageFileNode->Children[ 'FILE' ] ; if ( isset( $fileNodes ) ) { // Loop throwgh the files. foreach ( $fileNodes as $fileNode ) { $file->AddFile( $fileNode->Attributes[ 'PATH' ] ) ; } } $this->PackageFiles[] = $file ; } } } function Run() { $startTime = GetMicrotime() ; foreach ( $this->PackageFiles as $packageFile ) { $packageFile->CreateFile() ; } $execTime = GetMicrotime() - $startTime ; $execTime = number_format( $execTime, 10 ) ; switch ( $this->_TotalFiles ) { case 0 : echo( 'No files defined' ) ; break; case 1 : echo( 'The generation of the package file has been completed in ' . $execTime . ' seconds.' ) ; break; default : echo( 'The generation of ' . $this->_TotalFiles . ' files has been completed in ' . $execTime . ' seconds.' ) ; break; } } } ?> _ProtectedStrings[] = $match[0] ; return '@' . ( count( $this->_ProtectedStrings ) - 1 ) . '@' ; } function ConcatProtectedStrings( $source ) { return preg_replace_callback( '/@\d+@(?>@\d+@|\+)+@\d+@/', array( &$this, '_ConcatProtectedStringsMatch' ), $source ) ; } function _ConcatProtectedStringsMatch( $match ) { // $match[0] is something like @2@+@3@+@4@+@5@ $indexes = explode( '@+@', trim( $match[0], '@') ) ; $leftIndex = (int)$indexes[0] ; $rightPosition = 1 ; $output = '@' . $leftIndex . '@' ; while( $rightPosition < count( $indexes ) ) { $rightIndex = (int)$indexes[ $rightPosition ] ; $left = $this->_ProtectedStrings[ $leftIndex ] ; $right = $this->_ProtectedStrings[ $rightIndex ] ; if ( strncmp( $left, $right, 1 ) == 0 ) { $left = substr_replace( $left, '', strlen( $left ) - 1, 1 ) ; $right = substr_replace( $right, '', 0, 1 ) ; $this->_ProtectedStrings[ $leftIndex ] = $left . $right ; $this->_ProtectedStrings[ $rightIndex ] = '' ; } else { $leftIndex = $rightIndex ; $output .= '+@' . $leftIndex . '@' ; } $rightPosition++ ; } return $output ; } function RestoreStrings( $source ) { return preg_replace_callback( '/@(\d+)@/', array( &$this, '_RestoreStringsMatch' ), $source ) ; } function _RestoreStringsMatch( $match ) { return $this->_ProtectedStrings[ (int)$match[1] ] ; } } ?> Children = array() ; } function LoadFile( $filePath ) { $this->Children = array() ; $this->_CurrentNode = &$this ; return $this->LoadXml( file_get_contents( $filePath ) ) ; } function LoadXml( $xml ) { // Create the XML Parser. $this->_XmlParser = xml_parser_create( '' ) ; // Setup the parser. xml_parser_set_option( $this->_XmlParser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1 ) ; xml_set_object( $this->_XmlParser, $this ) ; xml_set_element_handler( $this->_XmlParser, '_ElementOpen', '_ElementClosed' ) ; xml_set_character_data_handler( $this->_XmlParser, '_ElementData' ) ; // Parse it. if( !xml_parse( $this->_XmlParser, $xml ) ) { ExitError( sprintf( "XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code( $this->_XmlParser ) ), xml_get_current_line_number( $this->_XmlParser ) ) ) ; } // Release the parser. xml_parser_free( $this->_XmlParser ) ; unset( $this->_XmlParser ) ; unset( $this->_CurrentNode ) ; // For debug purposes: // SaveStringToFile( print_r( $this, TRUE ), 'parsed.txt' ) ; // print_r( $this ) ; // exit ; return TRUE ; } function _ElementOpen( $parser, $name, $attrs ) { $newNode = (object)array( 'Parent' => &$this->_CurrentNode, 'Name' => $name, 'Attributes' => $attrs, 'Value' => '', 'Children' => array() ) ; $this->_CurrentNode->Children[ $name ][] = &$newNode ; $this->_CurrentNode = &$newNode ; } function _ElementClosed( $parser, $name ) { $this->_CurrentNode = &$this->_CurrentNode->Parent ; } function _ElementData( $parser, $data ) { $this->_CurrentNode->Value .= $data ; } } ?>