config = structNew(); // SECURITY: You must explicitly enable this "connector". (Set enabled to "true") config.enabled = false; config.userFilesPath = "/userfiles/"; config.serverPath = ""; // use this to force the server path if FCKeditor is not running directly off the root of the application or the FCKeditor directory in the URL is a virtual directory or a symbolic link / junction config.allowedExtensions = structNew(); config.deniedExtensions = structNew(); // config.allowedExtensions["File"] = "doc,rtf,pdf,ppt,pps,xls,csv,vnd,zip"; config.allowedExtensions["File"] = ""; config.deniedExtensions["File"] = "html,htm,php,php2,php3,php4,php5,phtml,pwml,inc,asp,aspx,ascx,jsp,cfm,cfc,pl,bat,exe,com,dll,vbs,js,reg,cgi,htaccess,asis"; config.allowedExtensions["Image"] = "png,gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp"; config.deniedExtensions["Image"] = ""; config.allowedExtensions["Flash"] = "swf,fla"; config.deniedExtensions["Flash"] = ""; config.allowedExtensions["Media"] = "swf,fla,jpg,gif,jpeg,png,avi,mpg,mpeg,mp3,mp4,m4a,wma,wmv,wav,mid,midi,rmi,rm,ram,rmvb,mov,qt"; config.deniedExtensions["Media"] = ""; function structCopyKeys(stFrom, stTo) { for ( key in stFrom ) { if ( isStruct(stFrom[key]) ) { structCopyKeys(stFrom[key],stTo[key]); } else { stTo[key] = stFrom[key]; } } } structCopyKeys(FCKeditor, config);