Please select the test you want to run:
Behaviors : Show table borders
fckbrowserinfo: test1
fckdialog: Memory leak test
fckdialog: Dialog/Flash z-placement test
fckdomrange: test1
fckdomtools: insertafternode
fckeditingarea: test1
fckeditorapi: test1
fckenterkey: test1
fckimagepreloader: test1
fckkeystrokehandler: test1
fcklisthandler: test1
fckmenublock: test1
fckpanel: test1
fckspecialcombo: test1
fcktoolbar: test1
fcktoolbarbuttonui: test1
fcktoolbarfontsizecombo: test1
fcktoolbarpanelbutton: test1
fcktools: addeventlistenerex
fcktools: runfunction
fckxhtml: test1