TRACING - Tracing is now color coded by trace level - Traces are now prefixed with the Test Page and Test Function from which the trace is made ASSERTION FUNCTIONS - assertArrayEquals(array1, array2) introduced - assertObjectEquals(object1, object2) introduced - assertHTMLEquals function introduced - assertEvaluatesToTrue and assertEvaluatesToFalse introduced - assertHashEquals } - assertRoughlyEquals } Pivotal functions - assertContains } - changed expected/actual values display strings to use angle brackets, rather than square brackets - CLIENT-SIDE - HTML in result output is now correctly escaped - page load timeout changed to 120 seconds by default - setup page timeout change to 120 seconds by default - cache-buster for testpage retrieval & results submission - jsUnitRestoredHTMLDiv - turn off tracing, alerts, confirms when submitting - testPage parameter should be URL-encoded (only opera cares though) - Speed-up of Firefox/Mozilla (thanks to Chris Wesseling) - jsUnitMockTimeout.js (thanks to Pivotal, especially Nathan Wilmes) SERVER - start-browser scripts in bin - Migration of Java code to require Java 5.0 - JSPs require a JDK - StandaloneTest and DistributedTest continue on after a failure in a particular browser or remote server respectively - StandaloneTest has a suite() method that makes the test run have multiple JUnit tests, one per browser - DistribuedTest has a suite() method that makes the test run have multiple JUnit tests, one per remote machine URL - Change to XML output format of test runs to include more information and be more hierarchical (machine->browser->test page->test case) - Logs are now prefixed with "JSTEST-" in order to match JUnit's "TEST-" - Logs now contain the browser ID (e.g. JSTEST-12345.5.xml means browser with ID 5); displayer servlet now takes an id and a browserId parameter - added support for launching the default system browser on Windows and UNIX (see the constant on net.jsunit.StandaloneTest) - StandaloneTest now runs tests in all specified browsers, even after an earlier browser failed - New "config" servlet that shows the configuration as XML of the server - Distributed Tests now send back an XML document that includes the XML for browser results as opposed to just a "success"/"failure" node - runner servlet takes a "url" querystring parameter that overrides the server's url property - test run requests to the JsUnitServer and the FarmServer are queued up and in serial so that different clients don't step on eachother - addition of new configuration parameter, "closeBrowsersAfterTestRuns", for whether to attempt to close browsers after test runs - addition of new configuration property, "timeoutSeconds", for how long to time browsers out - addition of new configuration property, "ignoreUnresponsiveRemoteMachines", for whether to care that remote machines don't uccessfully run the tests - addition of new configuration property, "description", which contains a human-readable description of the server - new index.jsp ("/") page - registered; redirects to BUGS - fix for "retry test run" bug - bug 1070436 fixed - bug with multiple browsers and resultId specified fixed - Bug 1281427 fixed (test submission for Opera) - Safari fix - Bug 1431040 fixed ECLIPSE PLUGIN - Eclipse plugin version 1.0