userFilesPath = config.userFilesPath;
if ( userFilesPath eq "" )
userFilesPath = "/userfiles/";
// make sure the user files path is correctly formatted
userFilesPath = replace(userFilesPath, "\", "/", "ALL");
userFilesPath = replace(userFilesPath, '//', '/', 'ALL');
if ( right(userFilesPath,1) NEQ "/" )
userFilesPath = userFilesPath & "/";
if ( left(userFilesPath,1) NEQ "/" )
userFilesPath = "/" & userFilesPath;
// make sure the current folder is correctly formatted
url.currentFolder = replace(url.currentFolder, "\", "/", "ALL");
url.currentFolder = replace(url.currentFolder, '//', '/', 'ALL');
if ( right(url.currentFolder,1) neq "/" )
url.currentFolder = url.currentFolder & "/";
if ( left(url.currentFolder,1) neq "/" )
url.currentFolder = "/" & url.currentFolder;
if ( find("/",getBaseTemplatePath()) neq 0 )
fs = "/";
fs = "\";
// Get the base physical path to the web root for this application. The code to determine the path automatically assumes that
// the "FCKeditor" directory in the http request path is directly off the web root for the application and that it's not a
// virtual directory or a symbolic link / junction. Use the serverPath config setting to force a physical path if necessary.
if ( len(config.serverPath) )
serverPath = config.serverPath;
if ( right(serverPath,1) neq fs )
serverPath = serverPath & fs;
serverPath = replaceNoCase(getBaseTemplatePath(),replace(cgi.script_name,"/",fs,"all"),"") & replace(userFilesPath,"/",fs,"all");
rootPath = left( serverPath, Len(serverPath) - Len(userFilesPath) ) ;
xmlContent = ""; // append to this string to build content
invalidName = false;
])', url.currentFolder)>
folders = "";
while( i lte qDir.recordCount ) {
if( not compareNoCase( qDir.type[i], "FILE" ))
if( not listFind(".,..",[i]) )
folders = folders & '';
xmlContent = xmlContent & '' & folders & '';
folders = "";
files = "";
while( i lte qDir.recordCount ) {
if( not compareNoCase( qDir.type[i], "DIR" ) and not listFind(".,..",[i]) ) {
folders = folders & '';
} else if( not compareNoCase( qDir.type[i], "FILE" ) ) {
fileSizeKB = round(qDir.size[i] / 1024);
files = files & '';
xmlContent = xmlContent & '' & folders & '';
xmlContent = xmlContent & '' & files & '';
newFolderName = url.newFolderName;
if( reFind("[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]", newFolderName) ) {
// Munge folder name same way as we do the filename
// This means folder names are always US-ASCII so we don't have to worry about CF5 and UTF-8
newFolderName = reReplace(newFolderName, "[^A-Za-z0-9\-\.]", "_", "all");
newFolderName = reReplace(newFolderName, "_{2,}", "_", "all");
newFolderName = reReplace(newFolderName, "([^_]+)_+$", "\1", "all");
newFolderName = reReplace(newFolderName, "$_([^_]+)$", "\1", "all");
newFolderName = reReplace(newFolderName, '\.+', "_", "all" );
xmlHeader = '';
if (invalidName) {
xmlHeader = xmlHeader & '';
else {
xmlHeader = xmlHeader & '';
xmlHeader = xmlHeader & '';
xmlFooter = '';